Retrain Your Fitness Brain
16 weeks to break the all-or-nothing cycle of food and fitness!
Meet yourself exactly where you’re at, and work on your fitness with ZERO pressure, judgment, sense of urgency, or extreme measures.
Get on the waitlist for the next round starting March 10th!
“SIT FIT is the most sustainable version of fitness I’ve come across. From the beginning, I felt totally taken care of and trusted that “trusting the process” was what it was all about. My body is stronger, my minder is gentler, and my heart is nourished.”
If you are an “all-or-nothing, no treats when I’m being good, rearrange my life for 8 weeks - see results for 5 minutes - then revert back to normal life and watch the unsustainable work disappear, can’t do fitness like I’ve done it before so I guess I won’t do it” kind of thinker, THIS IS FOR YOU!
Listen, I’ve been there:
Periods of way too much restriction and aggressive training, followed by hard crash. Stopping movement all together, binge eating and drinking, gaining 10-15lbs, and starting the cycle again.
Massive life changes that uproot location, time, resources, and accessibility, and instead of finding new strategies that work with the new situation, do nothing.
Not being able to be in a routine for whatever reason, and instead of finding alternative ways to move or make decent food choices, choose to do nothing.
And then the nothing spirals into weeks of nothing, that can lead to months of nothing. Then how the heck do I start again?
It’s exhausting.
Last summer, after a separation, my “give-a-fucks” dropped to an all time low of negative.
No movement at all.
Nary a vegetable or protein in sight.
Daily drinks.
Lots of pizza… and pastries. Love pastries. Nonstop comfort food.
I felt shittier by the day, and in turn, moved less and less in general. Because I wasn’t moving or putting anything of nutritional value in my body, my mental health got worse and worse. One day I looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize myself. The guilt hit hard.
How did I let myself get here?
It wasn’t even so much that I’d gained weight, it was that I felt HORRIBLE everyday. I had zero energy or life in me. And because I felt shitty, I’d do what felt good in the moment - eat, drink, and lay down - and it perpetuated the cycle.
I knew I HAD to do something different, but my typical M.O. in that situation was to go all in and restrict, and that wasn’t an option for where I was starting mentally.
So I decided to give myself some grace in that moment.
What if I could find a little something manageable on a daily basis?
What if instead of having to give 100% all day everyday, I allowed myself to do 70-80% most days?
What if good enough was good enough to start?
I was not physically in a place to do the kind of all-out fitness I’d done before, but I knew I could show up for a bit each day, sit down on a bench or machine (hence, SIT FIT), and move my body.
That didn’t sound terrible.
It’s way easier to stay at “nothing” when the only other option is 100%.
I needed another option.
That’s why I created SIT FIT.
My goal is to help you start from wherever you are, without all the shitty feelings and pressure surrounding it.
In fact, I don’t want you to feel like you’re starting a “fitness program”.
You’ve probably already did the thing where you sign up for a fitness challenge and set aside 8 weeks to lose max lbs.
You rearrange your life to fit fitness in. You get up at 5am, even though you’ve never been a morning person, and know you’re not going to be after 8 weeks is up.
You cut out all sugar and alcohol and carbs and most social events, or if you attend, you watch other people eat and drink while you are “being good” and tracking your calories.
Or maybe you’re so far “off track” that you feel like it’s impossible to get back on. You’re nowhere near where you have been in the past, and the thought of doing what you’ve done before seems out of the realm of possibility physically and from a time perspective.
The reality is, there’s a good possibility that what you’ve done in the past won’t actually work in your life anymore. You’re not the same person in the same situation as you were 5 years ago, or even last year.
But the best part is, fitness doesn’t have to look an exact way. There are MANY ways you can go about it, and getting stuck in the story that it needs to be one specific way will be a massive barrier to reentry if you can’t do it for whatever reason.
We are going to take the next 16 weeks to not only train your body in a way that works for you, but to retrain your brain and beliefs about fitness and food.
"SIT FIT has really helped me think about movement, fitness, and nutrition as part of my day to day life as something that can just happen. It doesn't have to be a huge deal or something that I have to force and have a lot of feelings about. It's so empowering to realize that doing little things adds up! I'm proud of making small changes."
What’s going down in 16 weeks:
LIVE kickoff workshop to identify beliefs about fitness/food, determine your starting point & where you want to go, what to include/not include (shame is one) and create personal strategy that will be malleable.
Monday Meet-Ups via Zoom at 8:00pm EST (recordings available) with 10-15 min mini workshops covering topics like nutrition, training techniques, overcoming obstacles, etc. Meet-Ups will end with an open Q&A where you can get personal coaching in a group setting.
Personal Fitness App with autonomous training programs and individual workouts for at home or at the gym, including mobility/recovery, and a food journal for optional use.
Daily interaction/pep talks via Private Facebook group and the fitness app forum.
Intimate accountability groups (optional)
Virtual hugs and high fives
PRICE $347 or 4 payments of $109 (Save $50 on waitlist)
Pep Talk Sample
Inside the app sample
“I love that SIT FIT is about sustainable practices that you can carry through your life instead of making a HUGE CHANGE for a short period of time, after which you go back to ‘normal.’”
You’ll let go of what you think fitness and food is supposed to look like and the feelings that come with it.
You’ll know what works best FOR YOU and have the tools and resources keep going.
You’ll have learned to cut yourself some fucking slack and not think so black or white.
If you keep showing up and doing a little bit each day, you will 100% experience physical changes.
Make fitness work around your life, not your life around fitness.
DATES: March 10th - June 29th
LIVE kick off workshop: Sunday, March 9th @ 12:00pm EST - recorded
MONDAY Meet-Ups: ZOOM - download for free here
COMMUNITY connection: Facebook and/or Everfit App - invitation to come
PRICE: $347 PIF or 4 payments of $109 - save $50 on early bird waitlist registration
Who the heck am I?
Hi! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Amanda Wheeler, but all my friends call me Wheels.
I’ve been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years.
I’ve trained literally thousands of people, and have spent tens of thousands of hours coaching.
Not only am I a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Precision Nutrition Certified Coach, but I’m also a Certified Personal and Professional Coach. When I’m not on the training floor, I help people identify obstacles standing in the way of their goals, create strategies to progress, and help them follow through.
I have owned a brick and mortar gym and been a mentor/coach for fitness business owners developing their teams and growing their businesses.
I am the personal trainer to Emmy, Tony, Grammy, and Oscar award winners.
I LOVE helping people live healthy, and maybe more importantly, HAPPY lives.
I promise, if you can get out of the mindset of all-or-nothing, you’ll be able to sustain a healthy life, without deprivation or spending hours at the gym.
I believe that you can use the strategies and tools we practice in SIT FIT to be able to go on vacation and navigate the holidays without guilt.
YES, this was PURPOSEFULLY scheduled to go through the holidays because it’s is about small, sustainable action in real life. Holiday time tends to fall in the “nothing” pool, and then the “all” happens again January 1st.
The goal is to not have to make fitness resolutions . . . ever again.
Now don’t get me wrong, setting fitness goals is one thing, but the year after year resolutions of losing weight is fucking exhausting, disappoining and uninspiring.
In SIT FIT we have so many reasons for moving and including nutritious foods that aren’t just trying to be smaller including:
moving to feel good
moving for mental health
moving for strength and bone density
moving to be mobile enough to get on the floor to play with your kids or grandkids
moving so you can enjoy a vacation where you walk a ton
moving to have energy
moving for preventative health care
moving to be a capable ass old person - that’s why I train!
I actually hate that showing before and after physical transformations is the biggest “selling point” in any traditional fitness program.
The emotional and mental transformation is SO MUCH GREATER than the physical in almost every fitness endeavor.
On the left, I had no lift in my eyes. I had no energy. I shrunk myself. I said no to social events because I didn’t feel good, my clothes didn’t fit, and my confidence level was in the tank. My brain didn’t work. I wasn’t being creative. I wasn’t being a good friend because I felt horrible. I wasn’t pursuing anything. I was stagnant.
Movement brought me back to life. I’m not talking weight loss. I’m talking about feeling great and being excited about things again. Being a good friend and super fun lesbian auntie. Getting out of my own head and considering anything other than myself. Saying yes to opportunities.
One of the BIGGEST “oh shit” moments I’ve had is, in the spring, I was offered a massive opportunity to work a big training job. I was physically feeling great, but more importantly, I felt confident AF that I deliver what they needed.
It hit me hard that if the same opportunity was presented in the fall before, even with the same knowledge and capabilities, I would have said no and referred out because my confidence was so down. I felt so bad that even though my skillset was the same, I would have passed up a literal life changing opportunity.
I can’t help but think of how many people who are amazing and talented and have so much to contribute to the world but don’t because they feel like crap. I hate that.
The world needs YOU!
You deserve to feel your best so you get to experience everything life has in store for you AND YOU ARE IN THE PLACE TO RECEIVE IT!
See what others have to say about SIT FIT
You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers
There will be options for working out at home and the gym.
If you're working out from home, you'll be able to do everything with your bodyweight if you're just starting out, but the program will include dumbbells and kettlebells that can be used interchangeably.
I sat down to do fitness because that's what mentally worked for me at the time and I had access to a full gym where I could sit on machines and benches.
If you're working out at home, you won't be sitting down.
If you're at the gym, there will be machine options with additional substitutions to use free weights.
I won't tell you what to eat, but there will be a ton of nutrition information, and we'll talk through food strategies.
There is an optional food journal and macro tracker in the app if you choose to use that, but everyone is different, and it's about finding what works for you and is sustainable in your life.
I could tell you to exactly what to eat or exactly what I eat everyday but there are so many factors for each person (children, work environment, time, allergies, restrictions, access to certain foods, etc) that it isn't beneficial. The benefit is experimenting and creating a way of eating that is perfect for you.
There will be a community forum with all the same information in the app as there is on facebook, so you don't need facebook.
That being said, because facebook is a familiar, highly used community space, A LOT of the questions get asked there and there's more conversation and connection that takes place there. Most of the community building kind of inherently takes place there.
But this is about YOU and doing what works in your life, so if you want to avoid social media - AVOID!!!
Of course!
SIT FIT is about finding sustainable ways of moving and eating. If you have a movement practice that is working for you - DO IT!!!
SIT FIT would be a supplemental/accompanying group that would offer additional accountability, workouts/programming for when you're not in your studio, tons of nutrition information and strategies, more community, and access to coaching and support from me.
You'll be able to get all of your personal questions answered live in our Monday Meet-Ups.
Additional coaching/Q&A will be done in the facebook group and community forum in the app.
Personal coaching with full access will be reserved for 1:1 clients.
The price is $347 Paid In Full or you can do a monthly payment plan of $109/month.
Feel free to shoot me an email at
If this all sounds great, but you know you’re someone who needs a little more support and guidance than you’d get in a group setting, I have spots for 6 1:1 clients.
If you'd like to apply for 1:1 coaching that runs simultaneously with the next round of SIT FIT, you can do that HERE.
After you apply, we'll set up a 15 min zoom call to talk through what you want to get out of our time together and answer the questions you have.
In addition to SIT FIT, 1:1 Coaching Includes:
Weekly 1:1 zoom meetings that are specific to your life and goals, including but not exclusive to fitness. This is personal/life coaching where we examine barriers and give you a specific tool box to help you move forward in any/every area of life you want to explore.
Custom fitness and nutrition programming, specific to your personal goals and resources available. This means, if you want to workout from home and have access to 2 kettlebells, I write you a program/workouts that are exclusively based on exactly what you want. Same with nutrition.
Text/audio/video access for questions or barriers that come up during the week.
Access to anyone in my sphere, when applicable. I'm hella #blessed to know incredible humans, not only in fitness, but in entertainment/creativity/arts, business, and psychology. If an introduction seems appropriate or like it could help you in any way, I'm happy to make the connection.
Opportunities to connect IRL/face to face - TBD!
You ready to do this?